Maher is a great guy and has a funny sense of humor. The first exam was very difficult only because I had no clue how his tests were. I suggest going over the slides, studying the animal families, and reading the book for more specifics.
Get ready to read Graded by few things Hilarious. He's a good guy, but not my favorite professor. He makes attendance worth a test grade plus some extra which is nice if you go to every class, but his lectures aren't very helpful. I and most of the people I know in this class only learned from the book.
So definitely buy the book. Dec 5th, It isn't free, but much more user-friendly. Skip class? Nov 16th, Very laid back teacher but at the same time he knows how to enforce his material properly.
A lot of it is straight from the book so buying the required book s is highly advised. Would take again. Participation matters Clear grading criteria Caring. May 15th, Lectures come straight from the textbook. Takes attendance through plicker questions but doesn't expect you to attend every class. Homework takes some time but some questions from the test are word for word from the homeworks. Don't really need to participate in the lectures. Dec 14th, This class was all over the place.
The HW questions out of the book were fine, but he gave no direction when it can to using R. He likes asking word problems on the tests, but beware of curve balls. He tried to help us with points in the form of in class assignments, but it can only help so much.
Sean's class was very standard, and you will need the book to get through it. He's very understanding if you need help with something in the material. Do the homework, it helps a lot. I wouldn't advise a morning class, I kept wanting to fall asleep. Jun 1st, Class wasnt too bad, i showed up often and thats where he gives participation points for. Tests I found semi difficult, 5 total including final , drops the lowest one.
Homework isn't hard which is where most points come from. Clear grading criteria. Browse Locations. Refine Your Search Results. Sean Joseph Maher, Resides in Camdenton, MO. Also known as Maher Sean. Includes Address 14 Phone 9 Email Resides in Sarasota, FL.
Includes Address 17 Phone 10 Email Resides in Edwardsville, IL. Includes Address 6 Phone 1 Email 2. I examine such factors at multiple spatial and temporal scales to provide a broader understanding of how dominant influences shift and interactions change.
This has led to a diverse set of projects and collaborations whereby I use models to test hypotheses and quantify the effects of the environment on species.
I am particularly interested in non-volant small mammal community dynamics and disease ecology and geography. Department of Biology. Skip to content column.