Remember me on this device. Get started with our catalog: Enter your Library card barcode and PIN Create a username for logging into the catalog Adjust your privacy settings: By default, lists and shelves you create are visible to other users. You can adjust your privacy settings from My Settings after you log in.
All browsing and borrowing activity is confidential, in accordance with our policy. We are a connected Library: If you already have a card with King County Library System, you can link your catalog accounts. This allows you to use a single username and password to create and access lists and shelves in the catalog.
Learn more about linked accounts. Reasonable loan periods, fees, and fines are recommended by the City Librarian and established by the Library Board. A schedule of loan periods, fees and fines is available in each Library location and on the Library's website. Reminders to borrowers regarding overdue materials are a courtesy service. Failure to receive such a reminder does not exempt a borrower from fines.
Failure to pay fines or fees or to return materials may result in the loss of borrowing privileges. Failure to return materials also may result in legal proceedings pursuant to state and local laws. The Library may require a reasonable deposit when loaning irreplaceable or valuable items. The City Librarian is responsible for the development and maintenance of effective procedures to implement the provisions of this policy.
Applicability This policy applies to all individuals and entities seeking Library borrowing privileges. If you have a question or need help, Ask Us or call Steven Rinella grew up in Twin Lake, Michigan and learned to hunt and fish at an early age.
This love of hunting and the outdoors has now become quite a career as an author, Practice your English Conversation skills online with other learners and native English speakers! Now that all our libraries are reopened, we are planning ahead for how we will expand hours and services to support our communities, using levy funds. The Cold Millions.
The Magical Language of Others. Think Black. Alone Together. Take A Stand. The Camping Trip. Get A Grip, Vivy Cohen. Written After A Massacre in the Year Postcolonial Love Poem. Thrown in the Throat. Your Heart, My Sky. Written in Starlight. Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet. Fat Chance, Charlie Vega. The Mirror Season. Lupe Wong Won't Dance.