She goes to Weight Watchers. She has literally just grown and birthed an entire baby human and all she can talk or think about is her weight. Actually, it was bloody offensive remember Samantha shouting at the trans sex workers outside her flat? Enough said. In this episode, we meet her new boyfriend Sean, who is openly bisexual this is obviously a major inconvenience for poor old bigoted Carrie.
Director John David Coles. Top credits Director John David Coles. See more at IMDbPro. Photos 8. Top cast Edit. Lynn Cohen Magda as Magda. Victoria Labalme Denise as Denise. Lou Bonacki Photographer as Photographer. Alex Corrado Bernie as Bernie.
Iris Almario Terry as Terry. Rick Jaeckel Dealer as Dealer. Victor Verhaeghe Rob as Rob. Paul Urcioli David as David. William Jay Marshall Herman as Herman. Don't Tell Me! YMH Studios. You Might Also Like.
Vital Vegas Podcast. Scott Roeben. You Can Bet on That. Gambling With an Edge. Tipping the Odds Las Vegas. Mitch and Dr. Did you know Edit. Trivia Matthew McConnaghey was apparently an eleventh hour replacement for another film star, as Sarah Michelle Gellar mouths a different actor's name through her hands during her scene with Sarah Jessica Parker, with McConnaughey's name looped over on the audio.
Goofs In the bar, Sarah Michelle Gellar's character tells Carrie she has a star interested in the movie version of her columns. When she says the name, he lips indicate she says Warren Beaty, but the audio says Matthew McConoughy. Beaty was originally up for the part, but turned it down.
Quotes Samantha : I have a date with a dildo. Connections References Escape from New York User reviews 1 Review. Details Edit. Release date September 10, United States. United States. Darren Star Productions.