Cheryl Causey, Sp. Lots of great info to take back to our students. Loads of practical strategies to use for my students. Opened my eyes and makes me feel comfortable teaching math problems I was scared to do with my class previously. Amanda Freund, Special Ed. Teacher, Carlyle, IL Cassy had and used a great sense of humor as we did some challenging math. Great depth of knowledge since she has actually taught kids using the materials.
Russell M. Robert, Teacher, Smyrna,GA This seminar will significantly change how I approach teaching math problem solving with my high ability students. As a person who has always struggled with math, it really helps to have another way to look at things that make sense. She has forever changed how I approach the visual representation of number problems. Cassy was knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Gotta love a schools where 2ndgrade students are The teachers in Palau gifted me custom pairs of Ma Need more challenge?
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This seminar will significantly change how I approach teaching math problem solving with my high ability students. This is awesome! Wonderful presentation. This seminar was outstanding! Jostens poster had me laughing out loud. Gotta love a schools where 2ndgrade students are. The teachers in Palau gifted me custom pairs of Ma.
Need more challenge? Play Salute game with four pa. Finding 10 fewer than with place value discs from. Regrouping with place value discs at the Phoenix J. Goodie bags all ready for Jumpstart your Singapore. Look what just arrived! The calculator will automatically adjust for daylight saving time DST in the summer. You can use it as a meeting planner or a scheduler to find the best time to make international phone calls.
The tz database or zoneinfo database uses the closest city, rather than the more common Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific time zones in the United States.