University of Massachusetts has earned several awards for its distance learning programs, faculty and technology including:. Graduate Application: Apply Online. Three letters of recommendation from former teachers familiar with the applicant's recent academic work, or from employers familiar with his or her professional ability. Please note: A test score is not required if the applicant holds an advanced degree from a U.
Orientation and Mobility Certificate. Program Highlights: Commitment to student experience Flexibility and convenience First rate faculty and advisors. Did you know?
These courses can be transferred into matriculated study after admission. Students in the TVI track of the Vision Studies Program are required to submit a capstone portfolio of completed graduate work as outlined upon acceptance into the program. TVI candidates complete a credit track. The program consists of sequenced coursework, field-based experiences, and practica aligned with the Massachusetts DESE for initial licensure.
The master's degree requires 37 credits. Students in the VRT track may complete the master's or the certificate. Candidates progress through a sequence of coursework, field-based experiences, and practica to fulfill eligibility requirements as prescribed by ACVREP. The total credits required for the certificate will vary, depending on the candidate's background and related course work. Students in the AT track may complete the master's or one of two certificates.
The total credits required for the certificate will be either 5 or 8 credits, depending on the candidate's background and related course work. Within our four vision studies programs, students develop knowledge and skills in the following areas:. In addition, DESE requires satisfactory performance on a test of proficiency in written and spoken English, and on competency examinations in a field of knowledge.
For those seeking licensure as a teacher of students with visual impairments, the field of knowledge is covered in the General Curriculum Test, which addresses the range of subjects covered in the elementary curriculum.
All candidates must also pass a Foundations of Reading Test. Individuals who have completed such a program and have passed the Massachusetts Tests for Teacher Licensure will be granted initial licensure, and are eligible to teach in a public school.
Those holding initial licensure have up to five years from the time they are first employed to complete the additional requirements for Professional Licensure. Professional Licensure is renewable every five years. Re-licensure requires the accumulation of Professional Development Points and the payment of a fee. Throughout the school years, instruction involves travel in school, home and community, including travel in residential, city and rural areas. Both independence and interdependence are stressed depending on the task, age, and capabilities of the student.
Contrasting colored tape or paint on the edges of steps and playground equipment can increase visibility for some students. A certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist COMS is the only professional who can assess the student and provide the full array of instruction across a variety of environments.
The ECC is the body of knowledge and skills needed by students with visual impairments to be successful in school and in post-graduate pursuits as a result of unique, disability-specific needs. The Practicum provides hours working with students who are visually impaired, ranging from Pre-K through Grade The Practicum Seminar consists of 6 modules dealing with professional issues related to the field of TVI.
The seminar is designed to inform and support you as you complete your Practicum experiences. Emphasis is placed on disabilities most frequently seen in conjunction with visual impairments and how the combined impact will affect instruction for individuals with vision impairment. Education of Students with Visual Impairments VISN Examine the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of special education services to students with visual impairments. Assessment tools are introduced and applied with an emphasis on developing your skills in observation, information gathering, and task analysis.
This course requires an additional minimum daytime participation of six to eight hours per week to acquire 80 hours of instructional experience. The weekly lectures provide you with an introduction to the principles of concept development, spatial orientation, and environmental analysis as these topics relate to independent travel by visually impaired individuals. In addition, a teacher-guided practicum lab meets for weekly sessions, totaling hours throughout the semester.
Emphasis will be placed on knowledge of skills and techniques, ability to communicate while teaching, ability to safely and effectively monitor others whole teaching and class participation. As part of your internship, you are required to keep an on-going diary of your experiences along with a capstone portfolio. This course is for students who have completed course work and all pre-practicum hours with both children and adults.
Coping techniques and issues of self-esteem will be explored along with principles of self-determination. Psychosocial issues specific to people from diverse cultures will also be addressed. Topics include the basics of sound, anatomy and physiology of the auditory system with an emphasis on function, and common disorders of the auditory system and how these disorders are manifested.
The principles of basic audiology and how to understand and relate to the audiologist provide a foundation for hearing both clinically and functionally. Exploration of life skills essential to independence will be addressed with consideration to student and adult populations. Methods of Vision Rehabilitation Therapy I VISN This course provides you with hands-on instruction, independent learning, and laboratory practice in the methodologies and adaptive techniques utilized by the professional Vision Rehabilitation Therapist in the personal management, recreation, and leisure areas of Independent Living Skills.
This course emphasizes the utilization of adaptive techniques and resources gathering and will address skills that are applicable for adults and older adults, as well as children and adolescents.
Laboratory experience with blindfolds and low vision simulators will provide you with the opportunity to practice recommended techniques and adaptations that will facilitate the teaching of selected independent Living Skills to students, clients, and consumers who are blind or who have low vision. Laboratory experiences with blindfolds and low vision simulators will provide you with the opportunity to practice recommended techniques and adaptations that will facilitate the teaching of selected Independent Living Skills to students, clients, and consumers who are blind or who have low vision.
Practicum in Vision Rehabilitation Therapy VISN In this practicum, you gain experience in a full-time or part-time internship and must complete your hours in two semesters.