Waterman farm columbus ohio

To address these concerns, this project includes three main components:. Installation of agriculture BMPs that include livestock exclusion fencing, a rotational grazing system, stream restoration using two-stage and forming channel design principles, and the establishment of cover crops. Creation of a demonstration and education site for OSU students, agricultural operators interested in learning more about planning and implementing similar projects. Development of a complete conservation and nutrient management plan that outlines resource concerns and identifies practices to improve water quality and farm production.

Item added to cart. An error occurred when adding item to cart. Board Meetings Board of Supervisors' Election. You can read more about FARM and it's standards here. High quality Grade A milk is produced from a herd of registered Jersey cows. The farm is a closed herd and raises all replacement heifers on-site, approximately to head at a time.

The small size and curious nature of Jerseys make them ideal for teaching. Jersey cattle at Waterman have been recognized for high genetic merit and type.

Several cattle are offered for sale throughout the year at both state and national Jersey sales along with private sales. For more information about herd production and sales contact John Lemmermen or Bekah Meller. Facilities at the Waterman Dairy Farm consist of loose housing for heifers and dry cows. Research at the Waterman Dairy Facility encompasses studies pertaining to nutrition, behavior, milk quality, heifer development, livestock emissions, reproduction, and cattle health.

The Waterman Dairy Facility hosts 7,—8, visitors annually. Elementary schools, youth groups, senior citizens, and industry professionals can tour the dairy to learn how Waterman manages its herd from calves to mature cows, and how parlor systems are used to comfortably and efficiently milk cows. Visitors also learn about integration of pasture management and heifer growing, as well as the future of the dairy industry.

Their comfort level, combined with their natural Jersey curiosity and docile temperament, allow for visitor-animal interaction.


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