Womancare london ontario

Add a description. Ask the Community. No one from the community has asked anything yet, be the first to ask. Ask a question. Create my rating. No review has been made yet. Expand Map. Claim and take control of your business Claim your business. We are primary caregivers who are experts in normal pregnancy. Our scope includes the ability to order all blood tests, other lab work and ultrasounds that are usually part of normal pregnancy care.

Prenatally, you will be given information about what to expect and when to notify your midwife that you are in labour. Often a midwife will come to your home to assess you during labour. Address required. Appointment Date required. Charles Brent Barton, MD. Rubye Washington Moore, MD. Joseph Hartfiel, DO. Raquel Vasquez, MD. The Midwives of Womancare Midwives in London Ontario will support you with prenatal, birth and labour, and postpartum, postnatal periods of your pregnancy.

During your pregnancy, you will be seen by your midwives every month, once a month, until the 28th week. Then twice a month until the 36th week, and then weekly until the birth of your baby.


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