I've read a lot of you guys comments and it actually made me feel a little better about my decision. I know I have to do whats right for me. Praying for you all! I have a 2 year old with a man who does nothing for his child.
I found myself pregnant in June with my current bf. I could not afford another child. I'm a college student already living at home. My father told me he couldn't handle another baby in the house If my situation was different IE married house good job I would have chosen differently but it's not.
I did what was best for my daughter and I. I do not regret it at all. I have an IUD now so this does not happen again. First and only abortion. I have 3 kids n struggle daily it wouldn't of been fair for my 4th or my current 3 I had to think of them I was pregnant by a man I love n he loves me he was supportive in any decision I made I feel I made it for not jst me but for all if us.
I do want one more child n I will have one with him whn the time is right It is scary but what major choice n life isn't.. I was an 18 years old college student when I first got pregnant in and I was terrified. I felt like I was following in my mom's footsteps and felt like if I would of told her I would have let her down. So, at 9 wks I went and got it done and honestly the hardest part was after.
The vaccuum was nothing, the meds they put u on was nothing. It was an okay experience, but afterwards I felt like I wasn't the same. I cried hard for about an hour. But after I got home I sucked it up because my mom had NO idea. She still doesn't. And now unfortunately I am afraid that I may be pregnant again So, I'm still praying that I'm not pregnant!
But anyways all i can say is do what you feel is right. If you're worried about people looking down on you trust me, it doesn't happen. ALL of my friends sticked with me through it all and then when they ended up getting pregnant I stuck with them through whatever their decision. And another thing. It is perfectly okay to feel afraid. I was scared out of my mind, but after getting it done it really wasnt that bad. At all. I hope this helped. Have had 2 abortions at this center which is now called whole womens health of Baltimore on BelAir rd in md.
They were amazing. Maybe i feel nothing from the procedures because i had general anesthesia. I do feel one thing n that is HATE for all these so called baby savers. It is not a baby until viable n doctors are not obligated to do anything before viability. Meaning u deliver before viability, they dont have to "save" it. N you still whine about your hard earned money going to supposedly "lazy" women who wont get jobs when in most cases is because they are tied down with a baby.
They wana work but in most cases childcare costs take I have never had an abortion but several of my friends have and they all say it is hell to live with. We all grew up in the 70's and thought nothing of it at the time but they are all mothers now and some grandmothers and they all still have a hard time living with it. I did not judge them then or now but feel so sorry they have the rest of their lives to live with their choice.
I do think our biggest failure as a people is lack of education for our young women. We need to eliminate the need for abortion through open communication!!
The cost of abortion depends on the type of abortion performed and how far the pregnancy has progressed. Most abortions -- 88 percent -- are obtained by week 13; however, sometimes a health risk faced by the woman or other reasons cause women to seek later abortions, according to the National Abortion Federation [ 1 ].
An abortion usually is considered late-term at 20 weeks, and it is much more difficult to find providers for second-trimester abortions.
For medical abortions, out-of-pocket costs usually include copays for the prescription drug and for the office visit. Elective abortion is sometimes covered by health insurance. However, five states -- Colorado, Kentucky, Missouri, North Dakota and Oklahoma -- restrict private insurers' ability to cover abortions, allowing it only under certain circumstances, such as rape or for health reasons. Plans vary, so it is important to check with your insurer to see if abortion is covered, and to check with the clinic to see if they accept your insurance.
There are several types of abortion that fall into two groups -- surgical and medical. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ 5 ] provides an overview of the various types of abortion procedures. In a vacuum aspiration, the most widely used type of surgical abortion, which can be done through the end of the first 12 weeks, the doctor administers local anesthesia, dilates the cervix, then uses a thin tube with gentle suction to remove the contents of the uterus.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ 6 ] provides descriptions of the procedure. In dilation and evacuation, which usually is done in the second 12 weeks, the doctor will administer local or general anesthesia, then use probes to dilate the cervix, use a hollow tube with suction to remove tissue, use forceps to remove larger pieces of tissue and then scrape the uterine walls.
In medical abortions, doctors prescribe one or a combination of the drugs mifepristone, methotrexate and misoprostol. Sometimes, one drug is administered at a doctor's office and a second drug is taken at home 24 to 72 hours later, causing bleeding that can resemble a heavy period.
A follow-up visit will be scheduled for two weeks later to make sure the abortion is complete. This type of abortion must be performed early --within the first seven to nine weeks.
A pre-surgery ultrasound, lab work and a follow-up visit usually are included in the flat fee for an abortion. Additional costs:. Pain medication and antibiotics can cost extra. Abortions at low-cost clinics can cost 20 to 30 percent less than abortions at a doctor's office. Trust us to understand and respond to your individual situation.
You can learn more about about us here. For more general female health care needs, we offer complete diagnostic procedures, assessments, and services. We strive to make every visit comfortable and convenient for our patients.
Learn more about our services here. We provide the following services:. I would recommend any girl to visit the clinic. I appreciate the warm environment and inexpensive care. A vaginal ultrasound and pelvic exam will be done to determine how far along in your pregnancy you are before administering abortion pills to you. The first medication taken here is Mifepristone Mifeprex or RU , which is a medication that blocks the pregnancy hormone progesterone.
The second medication is Misoprostol Cytotec , which is a medication that makes the uterus expel the pregnancy tissue. We may also prescribe a pain medication, as severe cramps and vaginal blood clots are typical after taking abortion pills.