Driven by an intense sense of responsibility for vulnerable persons in our communities, we met the pandemic challenge with urgency and creativity, even prior to assurances of additional state and federal supports. We continue to adjust services on a weekly basis as COVID data and local needs change in communities across Indiana. Some of our pivots included: Read More. In tough times, communities find strength in people—and people find strength in their communities. In Indiana, older adults are a key source of this strength.
Through their experiences, successes, and difficulties, they have built resilience that helps them to face new challenges. When communities tap into this, they become stronger too. Communication is important to alleviate stress. Difficult decisions are sometimes hard to reach and our team specializes in helping families come together for the best interests of the older adult. It takes a team coming together to serve the needs of our aging community. If you need a professional to assist with your planning then we know the members of the central Indiana community and can assist with finding a good match.
We never accept referral fees or kickbacks so you have our guarantee that we are always working on behalf of our client.
When you partner with a team of professionals experienced in the care of aging parents and grandparents your life will be easier, the care will be higher quality, expenses will be managed, and all available benefits will be utilized. The care of those you love is our priority!
Reach out with any questions you have via email at Aging Life Care Consultants or by phone at Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
Aging Life Care Consultants Serving Central Indiana If you have an aging family member in central Indiana, who is facing challenges in care, you can rely on us to provide guidance and plans that lead to aging success. Learn More. Care Options. Medical Care Management Navigating the complex medical system can be difficult. When you call CICOA's Aging and Disability Resource Center, a phone options counselor will collect information about you or your loved one's need and ability to care for themselves, discuss eligibility for services, identify appropriate public or private funding sources, and outline service options.
The options counselor may also refer you to one of more than 4, local community resources. If you meet eligibility criteria for public funding, you will be transferred to a field options counselor, who will schedule an an in-home visit within 10 business days.
Once the intake process is complete, ongoing case management can be provided through CICOA or handed off to an independent case manager, if the client so chooses. This program specifically addresses questions about Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Managed Care Plans, Medicaid, long-term financing options and prescription coverage.
Learn more about the programs that can help you save money. Indiana facilitates connections between people who need human services and those who provide them.