Big shot las vegas hours

Monday, June 28 7pm-9pm All rides temporarily closed for private event. All prices are subject to change without notice. Anyone 15 years or younger must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. This is a high-speed ride experience with high vertical g-forces at an elevated height.

More info on the recommendations and requirements for this ride. You are using an unsupported browser and may not be able to access the full functionality of this site. But on Big Shot you're launched so quickly, you might feel like the rocket itself. It happens so fast, it feels as if you might actually shoot right off the top of the Stratosphere. Get a feel of weightlessness as 4 Gs of force literally makes you float out of your seat.

Thank goodness for seatbelts, right? After the initial shock and awe, and once a. The return to the ground at one-negative G is much more relaxing than the launch. Plus, it gives you a little bit of time to think about just what a big shot you are.

After the drop, you'll bounce up and down the mast three times.


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