As of this blog post November 19 th , the La Nina is high end Moderate borderline strong. What about over the next months? Yes there is! Now take a look at how a Strong La Nina affects seasonal snowfall:. Focus on southern New England….. Also note the blue shading across northern New York and northern New England….. La Nina regardless of strength typically means above normal snowfall for those areas. I also wanted to look at past hyper-active hurricane years which usually occur during La Nina years and see what New England winters were like after those hyper-active hurricane years.
That winter featured some incredible High Latitude Blocking the warm colors near Greenland as well as the Aleutian Islands. That high latitude Greenland blocking led to a very active and cold storm track for the New England for much of the winter. As of this writing, I do not see that type of blocking persistent and strong occurring this winter but…. This year…. I took a good hard look at them along with the analogs past winter patterns. Download it for iOS or Android — and sign up for alerts.
Today: Rain to sprinkles. Highs in the 50s. Tonight: Rain returns late. Lows Tuesday: First Alert. Highs Be prepared for your day and week ahead. Sign up for our weather newsletter. More Winter News. Back to Article. Close Menu.