Chrisette michele chicago 2018

City Winery - Washington DC. Performing At. Orlando, FL. Lafayette, LA. New Orleans, LA. Dallas, TX. Houston, TX. Detroit, MI. Washington, DC. But all you haters still listen to that pig R Kelly and watch movies by that lowlife Woody Allen. Leave this woman alone. This just shows how shallow and intolerant the left really is….

They immediately call the right names and blame them for everything…. She said the backlash that she received was the cause.

Reading comprehension can really take you a long way. Do not fault Democrats and liberals for choosing not to purchase her music. So get off your high horse and buy her music if you want to support her and other artists that love Trump. I for one choose to spend my money else where!!! Thats rite. I hear you but have you ever made a decision without getting wisdom? This is what happened here. Everyone was warning her and the love of money was the root of the evil that befell her.

He will redeem your situation in no time. I agree!! This world act like they never made a mistake? Trying to blame her miscarriage on others. Her conscience is what made her lose that baby…. For her to do that was a slap in the face simple as that. You love and care about her so much, give her a job. Her choice, to go and do what she wanted. Our choice not to buy her music.

You say that as the right burn jerseys sneakers n break coffee pots. Donald trump is an idiot with a strong criminal background. The education in this country is crap.. Gimme a break… I know Resnikoff and co.

You fkn clowns are priceless. This just proves how fake people are. If she were to perform for Obama they would of cheered here on. People are something else so too faced but one thing she has an amazing voice beautiful God wont let the ignorance last long keep your head up trouble dont last always. I think a big part of her problem is that she is very poorly managed. I went to her Los Angeles shows in and She was late to the show Long Beach Jazz fest , and she only sang one song.

The Nokia show had a lot of technical problems. She also cancelled another show in Long Beach Terrace Theater. VERY disappointing. Be slow to Judge because one day you might have to look in the mirror. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Your father probably paid the same money for your mother not to have you, but.. It was a job. I love chrissett music she is very talented. If she would have done it for free then thats a different story. Fuck Trump. I am angry at her because she let this get to her so that it resulted in her having a miscarriage!!

Face it, people are assholes, as you can see from some of these comments, so to hell with people! You should have protected your baby! I still support her music. Considering she was a protege of the legendary Prince. It was hard to take end and she will bounce back. She just gotta let the people know it was a career move and not a Political expression. Sat Oct 30 Sat Nov 06 Sat Nov 27 Thu Dec 09 Thu Dec 16 Searcher City, state or country. Start date. Ledisi 18 concerts to Mar 26, Charlie Wilson 5 concerts to Jul 21, Paloma Faith 9 concerts to Jun 13, Keith Sweat 13 concerts to May 15, The Temptations 30 concerts to Jun 11, Allen Stone 32 concerts to Feb 11, The way that she blended from her older tracks, right through to the most recent was great, it was awesome hearing the progression of her career over one evening.

Whether this is the set that she plays every time, or if she mixes it up, this is a show well worth catching! Read more. Report as inappropriate. A huge success in her homeland, she visits the UK less regularly yet whenever she does arrive she is always greeted warmly by her adoring fanbase. Most have come simply to view the way in which Michele manipulates both instruments and her own vocal to create really interesting soulful tones.

Another key appeal is the modest, down to earth manner in which Chrisette conducts herself with onstage. There is of course a hugely celebrated singer onstage yet for Michele she behaves as though she was having a small jam session with friends.

There is some glimmers of star quality as she commands attention with a bold vocal during 'Blame It On Me' and by the finale of 'Be Ok' she has more than proven her worth as a shining light in neo-soul and jazz hip-hop. Oh my gosh!!! It was so good. She looked and sounded beautiful! The venue was very intimate. Just enough room for a great show. You had room to stand, eat, talk, wait in line and they weren't even that long. Everything was wonderful even with a g-pass groupon.

I would love to see the show again if it comes close before the tour is out. We got the tickets that came with a cd but did not receive the cd. Said they were going to mail them out. It's only been a week but I have received anything through the mail.

Chrisette is one of my favorite singers of all time and she did not disappoint last night! Her smooth silky voice is the same on stage as it is on the radio. I will attempt to see her whenever she's in town! Also, the opening act, Daly, was great! I will begin to follow him as well! The entire show was amazing!!

Chrisette, Lil Mo, and Timmy Brabston were great! I had no problem waiting. She's so sweet!! Verizon Theater needs to work on their sound. Overall it was a great experience!

I love Chrisette as an artist.


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