Colegio san jose san nicolas

Recio as the Sports Moderator. To cope with the students' populace, additional rooms and facilities were constructed; concrete walls were built around the area for student's security and privacy of the school itself.

The major trust of the school was the strong implementation of Discipline as essential elements towards the attainment of common good. Moreover, religious instruction re-enforced instruction as the core of the curriculum, and became the mainstream of the institution, thus, setting its reputation as the only private catholic school in the municipality.

Like any other growing school, the turn of years brought tremendous achievements to the school both in cultural and academic fields. Its consistent development and growth garnered innumerable citations more importantly in civic and literary competitions. Another phase of great change in the school was during the 90's and year , where there is an ongoing improvement in the provisions of infrastructure of the school's physical plant as well as the modern facilities, which have been provided and expanded.

To be more responsive to the needs of growing populace, the school has established strong student personnel services, campus ministry clubs, guidance program, computer studies, sports engagements, cultural guild, faculty development program and has organized an active alumni association as well, in consonance with the school's mission statement, of producing young individuals and responsible citizenry who have imbibed upon themselves Quality Catholic Christian and Community-Oriented Education.

Also, the office recognizes the rights of the students to: a be informed b object c access d correct and e rectify, erase, or block. The personal data obtained from the students is processed, entered and stored indefinitely within the School's authorized systems and processes for documentation and program administration and will only be accessed by authorized personnel and staffs of the Registrar's Office, Principals Office, SDPC Office, Clinic, Treasurers Office, Campus Ministry Office, Library, School Clubs and the students adviser and subject teachers.

The School may use or share these photographs with its members and staff for newsletter, email communications; marketing and or website publications, yearbooks, and for any other legitimate purpose and intent of the institution.

Furthermore, I expressly give my consent to CSNT-R to process use and disclose to my parents and or guardians named below the foregoing information relative to my education status-grades, program enrolled, year level enrolled.

The foregoing school fees are based on the premise that my child who enrolls for the School Year will stay enrolled for the entire school year or semester, regardless of a subsequent transfer or withdrawal. That in the event of transfer or withdrawal, we understand that we will need to settle the accounts before Colegio San Nicolas de Tolentino-Recoletos will issue the necessary transfer credentials. If we should decide to withdraw any time after the second week of classes, we will be charged the full total amount of school fees.

Further, we recognize the authority of Colegio San Nicolas de Tolentino-Recoletos to withhold the release of the Report Card on a quarterly basis, in case we fail to pay two 2 consecutive installments of the due and demandable tuition and other school fees as indicated in the current schedule of payment. Toggle navigation CSNT.

For Continuing Learners Report Card. Upload Payment Here. Log in. New photos were added to the album Bake sale for Florida Trip. Iedereen is elkom om morgen 17 maart op school langs te komen voor een heerlijke "caha di bolo" voor slechts 10 Florin. New photos were added to the album Aruba doet 15 en 16 maart. Welkom Colegio Nigel Matthew ARUBA Naast alle lessen hebben wij ook een school team die mee doen aan wedstrijden voor voetbal, volleybal en basketbal We doen het als school niet slecht.

Hoe werkt Magister? Wij hebben net het bericht ontvangen dat mevrouw Damoiseaux haar moeder is overleden. Wij zullen de komende dagen onze vlag halfstok plaatsen.

Wij wensen mevrouw Damoiseaux en familie heel veel sterkte! Van 9.


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