Languages with the highest quality Language versions of the article with the highest quality. Most popular in all the time Most popular languages of the article in all the time. The most popular language versions of the article " Dallas dizi, " in all the time Language Pop. Most popular in September Most popular languages of the article in September The most popular language versions of the article " Dallas dizi, " in September Language Pop.
Language versions of the article " Dallas dizi, " with the highest AI. Only registreted Wikipedia users were counted. The highest CI Language versions of the article with the highest citation index. Scores Quality and popularity scores of the article "Dallas dizi, " in Turkish language. AI Authors' Interest indicates the number of authors that have edited the article in September Popularity indicates page views in September , daily popularity shows median of page views per day during the month.
Estimated value for Wikipedia:. Popularity in September Popularity in all years:. Authors in September Registreted authors in all years:. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 's. Filmler Diziler Kisiler Haberler.
Senaryo: David Jacobs. Jim Davis Jock Ewing. Steve Kanaly Ray Krebbs. Victoria Principal Pam Ewing. Larry Hagman John Ross J.
George Kennedy Carter McKay. Kimberly Foster Michelle Stevens Ewing. Sheree J. Dallas: In The Book. Dallas: Take It Easy. Photos Top cast Edit. Larry Hagman J. Ewing as J. Deborah Rennard Sly as Sly …. Sheree J. Wilson April Stevens as April Stevens …. Roseanna Christiansen Teresa as Teresa. David Jacobs. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Popular evening soap opera-style television drama. The show was set in Dallas, Texas and chronicled the exploits of wealthy Texas oil millionaires.
Many of the plots revolved around shady business dealings and dysfunctional family dynamics. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. It was the highest rating for a single episode of a television series in American history until Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen on February 28, Goofs The size and layout of Southfork Ranch cannot possibly hold the number of bedrooms the series suggests it has.
The following year, a nursery is added along with a guest room for John Ross's live-in nurse, totalling six. The results of the calculations may be slightly different because of rounded values of normalized metrics in formulas. WikiRank Live. WikiRank API. WikiRank Cite. WikiRank Cite2.
WikiRank Top. WikiRank CI. WikiRank Web. Dallas dizi, tr. Dallas dizi, Information about assessment of Wikipedia article "Dallas dizi, " in Turkish language. Turkish Wikipedia:. The th most popular in television series in Turkish Wikipedia. Global Wikipedia:. The th most popular in television series. Languages with the highest quality Language versions of the article with the highest quality.
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