This is not a celebration but a lament for the eternal dance of death and strife. The teddy bear swings in a slow veronica. It is she who owns the night. It is she who bout dat life. That's not a good Cormac impression. This is how you do a Cormac impression.
That's certainly better, but I feel like McCarthy has never written "he said" in his life. What are you doing, Kent said. I feel like this is actually pretty typical as it isn't specifying who said what, but the tone. Proposal the first: a new type of crime for which a person may be prosecuted, to be called "failure to go away. Too many apostrophes posted by deadbilly at AM on August 10, [ 1 favorite ].
Between all the tongues protruding and casual twerking you get the sense that what you're supposed to remember is a memorable time about not remembering. Pretty good. Pls do remember how i look like if i suddenly show up in front of you looking more round than ever in Nov.
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Like this: Like Loading Filed in Uncategorized. Iris said. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here For the first few weeks, I was slightly homesick in the sense that I could not find one person who knew what or where Easton, Maryland was. Anyway, it was also so much better than I ever expected. It was the best year of my life. I met people from everywhere. I learned more about myself than I ever have.
I gained new sisters, and one that will forever be the older sister I always wanted. I ran a half marathon — something I never thought I would be capable of doing. I was intellectually stimulated beyond my dreams.
I met the most interesting, passionate, intelligent people I have ever encountered. I ate endless chocolate chip pancakes, saw way too many cowboy boots, and laughed harder than I ever have. This past year was not a fairytale. Ashton Mae Smith www. Newer Post Older Post Home. Keep Me in the Loop!