While we are unable to provide you with dental care, we encourage you to continue prioritizing your oral health. All dental records are confidential and protected by federal privacy and security regulations. Click here to download the Dental Records Release Form.
Complete, sign, and return the Dental Record Release Form as soon as possible. Please make sure to indicate how you would like to obtain your dental records and your preference of electronic or paper format.
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Treating Your Oral Care Needs At our dental office, we strive to cover a wide range of oral care needs. We are sorry to announce that Centre Square Dental is closing, effective July 12, How to Access Your Dental Records All dental records are confidential and protected by federal privacy and security regulations. At a previous dentist, I had a bad experience, so I know the difference, and this place is the best. Ryan G. They have the best dental technology, and I gladly drive over an hour from Princeton to come here.
Gilbert is a great dentist. I usually hate dentists, but his office is clean, runs on time, and has dental assistants that seem to actually enjoy working there! Despite my initial trepidation at finding parking downtown, I booked an appointment, and to my surprise, they cover your parking expenses in the garage that is in the same building call them to find out more , so free parking! Also, they are very thorough and have a very updated office. I have also referred many of my friends to them, who also love going there.
Be warned that they are not the cheapest dentist around, but as the adage says: you get what you pay for! John P. This place is great. I wanted to make use of my newly aquired dental insurance a year or so ago so I found this place on Unilocal and decided to give it a go. Everyone here is so nice. The parking is free, and they have a TV set in your room so you can watch or listen to whatever you want while they are doing dental work.
They did a great job on my cavities, And hows this for a first— I slept in and missed my last appointment and they never charged me. They just set up another appointment. Good Peeps here at Gilbert Dental. Cherie C. They all do great work, whether it is the hygienist, the dental assistant, the administrative staff who make appointments and process paperwork, or Dr. Gilbert himself. Mari made my teeth look great and gave me some good advice to use between cleanings. Dawn makes sense of even the most complicated of insurance processes and gets it done quickly.
Gilbert on my recommendation, and they are all pleased with the results. Alyson M. Is it safe? I remember seeing Marathon Man on TV as a child it only reinforced my fear of the dentist and thus began a life long loathing of my dentist — cleanings, filings, everythinng about the dentist horrified me. Philadelphia, United States. Reviews 6. Related places. Get directions. Photos page. QR code, vCard. Rittenhouse Square, Penn Center. General Dentistry.
Activate map. Add review Save to Contacts Report error. Show Directions. By car By mass transit By bicycle By foot. Business hours. You might also consider:. Philadelphia Center For Cosmetic Dentistry. Gilbert Dental Care PC. Dilip Dudhat, DMD. Near this location:.
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