There were girls sporting ironic-colorful cowboy hats sitting next to people seriously wearing cowboy hats. There were truck drivers and people in pearls. The crowd may be diverse, but everyone hits the dance floor and embraces the live music, grimy bar tops and unstable stools.
While there is food available, I didn't see a single person order anything—instead, head to the cheap burrito spot next door to soak up the booze. Where's your favorite Chicago dive bar? Add to the list in the comments below! Actively scan device characteristics for identification.
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As the kids head off to school, Bia hides in her bedroom with the vacuum cleaner, smoking a joint and blowing her exhaust into the nozzle. Alone in the laundry room with a jolting clothes washer, she pulls down her panties and mounts the corner of the machine until it brings her to climax. Apparently this is what Filho means when he talks about establishing the characters within their environment.
The building seems oppressive mainly because there are so many long, narrow spaces within it, which Filho exploits masterfully in his wide-screen framing. In one shot near the beginning, the camera peers down on two teenage lovers furtively making out in the little hallway created by a standing wall that bisects the frame.
Solha , the snowy-haired sugarcane planter who owns the building and half the block, they walk down a tight exterior hallway decorated with white tile as sensors raise and then dim the outside lights. Every inch of the building is whitewashed, and the effect can be blinding. Maybe not, but negative energy might result from the fact that the architecture encourages disconnection.
The exterior spaces on every floor are carved up with five-to-seven-foot standing walls, and the lower floors have terraces no one seems able to access. When her mother comes out on the balcony and glimpses flower wreaths for the dead woman on the terrace, she drags her child inside and ends the meeting. Years later, the space is still empty, no condos.
This may have something to do with the bar being discovered and over-frequented by yuppies in the earlys. Today, in addition to the places named above, the spirit of MaxTavern can be found in places like the Gingerman , Fizz and the Lincoln Tap Room. We would kill a half-case of Miller Lite during practice, then head down to MaxTavern afterward. It was there that I discovered peppermint schnapps. One nifty thing they had was a rack of used books which they sold for cheap.