Instant 5 4 Dromoka's Command 1 Valorous Stance. Enchantment 4 3 Silkwrap 1 Stasis Snare. Blue 3 3 Disdainful Stroke. Multi colored 4 4 Dromoka's Command. Enchantment 1 1 Silkwrap. Instant 5 3 Complete Disregard 2 Murderous Cut. Black 5 2 Murderous Cut 3 Ultimate Price. Sorcery 1 1 Painful Truths. Sorcery 4 4 Transgress the Mind. Blue 7 1 Negate 2 Dispel 4 Disdainful Stroke. Come join the action. Unlike some of the other deckbuilders we've featured today, David Phelps doesn't have a world class resume.
There were nights Raymond Perez, Jr. After a long day of nine hard-fought rounds and a little special Halloween present about a certain dark future Battle for Zendikar Standard is out of its infancy and is fully swinging. Dragons, rhinos, mantises, and giant, otherworldly, god-like Eldrazi abound at the top tables.
We start nice and early tomorrow at twitch. But slightly less early because we change our clocks back tonight. See you then! October 31 Round 7 dawned at Grand Prix Indianapolis, and as the day drew near a conclusion both Brandon Nelson and Stephen Barrios found themselves in position to make a run.
Though both had fought through Everyone knows about some of Standard's most powerful cards. Jace, Vryn's Prodigy. Mantis Rider. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. Siege Rhino.
Atarka's Command. In other words, the usual suspects. Decklists, Decklists, Decklists. Oct 31 Oct 29 Article Coverage Video Coverage. Note: final standings reflect the number of players participating in the event, not the number of preregistered players. Top 5 Cards. Finals: Ray Perez, Jr. Esper Tokens vs. Brent Clawson Abzan. The Standard is much than just the Top 8.
We'd be remiss if we didn't give you some of the great decks that fell just shy of the final phase—some by mere percentage points. Below are the 9th Semifinals- Daniel Chan Blue Abzan vs. Esper Tokens. It was a mirror of first-timers in the semifinals, as both Scott Kirkwood and Brent Clawson were playing in their first Grand Prix Top 8.
And both were on streaks: Kirkwood had defeated four Top 8 Profiles. Deck Tech: Esper Tokens. Day 2 Archetype Breakdown. Sorcery 1 1 Hijack. Artifact 1 1 Pirate's Cutlass. Land 16 8 Mountain 8 Swamp. Colorless 17 1 Pirate's Cutlass 8 Mountain 8 Swamp.
Uncommon 2 1 Dinosaur Stampede 1 Reaver Ambush. Sorcery 1 1 Strength of the Pack. Enchantment 4 1 Baffling End 3 Squire's Devotion. Land 16 8 Forest 8 Plains. Multi colored 1 1 Atzocan Seer. Colorless 16 8 Forest 8 Plains. Sorcery 2 2 Mutiny. Instant 1 1 Sheltering Light.