Records were set, matched, and shattered on the course, but by the fall of , it too faced a similar fate as the Bev Hills track: it was reportedly demo'd to make way for a housing tract.
The name lived on: in , a new dirt track at Washington and West Adams, also called the Culver City Speedway, opened. Despite the claim that the track was also the first to use safety helmets. The track's trademark deadliness contributed to the track's disuse and eventual abandonment ; it burned down in , lit aflame by a former employee sick of all the carnage, according to an LA Times retrospective of the track. The retrospective points out that this racetrack was part of a long Legion legacy: there were four Ascot Speedways in different locations throughout LA County between and Later, Inglewood would also put up a good fight over having a gambling and drinking establishment in their town.
The racetrack closed in to make way for a huge new mixed-use project. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.
Cities Atlanta Austin Boston. Chicago Detroit Los Angeles. New York San Francisco Archive. The track is…. From Business: With over 40 years experience in the thoroughbred industry, and having been involved in the construction and maintenance of successful race tracks and training….
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