Las vegas annual report

The chart below breaks down the filing fee for corporations into an easy-to-read guide. You can find your anniversary month by searching the Nevada Business Database. You can file your Nevada Annual Report online, in person, by mail, or fax. You must also include an ePayment form if you choose to pay by credit or debit card.

Stop worrying about penalties, potential late fees, or forgetting to file! In order to preserve your privacy, we will list OUR contact information instead of yours on the report form.

We will list our IP address — limiting the connection between your cell phone, personal computer, and work computers — this makes it harder for advertisers to follow you.

We believe everyone has the right to keep their information private. All new businesses in Nevada must file an initial report with your company formation papers. Online filings are processed immediately IF you include your payment. If you file online but pay by check or money order, your report will be processed in business days.

The same is true for submissions made by mail, fax, or in person. Need expedited processing? Anyone authorized to sign your Nevada Annual Report may file on behalf of your Nevada business.

Create a Free Account Our free account and tools will help you get started and maintain your business. First Name. Last Name. Minimum 8 characters long At least 1 capital and lowercase letter At least 1 number At least 1 special character. Download a paper form OR submit your report online. File your report with the Nevada Secretary of State and pay all necessary fees.

City of Las Vegas Budget: Redevelopment Agency Budget: Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports: Debt Management Policies: Debt Securities Portal. Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Reports: We offer checkbook level financial information for the city on our Open Data Portal as well as more data and demographics through our transparency initiative. Visit our transparency webpage.

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