The service is free, independent and impartial. To help us improve GOV. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Cookies on GOV. UK We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Accept additional cookies Reject additional cookies View cookies. The ID is used only to identify the session for the statistics and is completely anonymous.
Analytical cookies. Switch analytical cookies On Off. Helps us to know how many people visit our site by tracking if you've visited before. Used to manage the rate at which page view requests are made. Terms and conditions Privacy policy. We investigate complaints in a fair and independent way. Adult Social Care Did you know you can complain to us about privately funded care? Information Centre For news, reports, information about us and complaints data for councils.
Are you thinking of complaining to us? Read more. See how your council is performing Try our interactive map to find local authority performance data on complaints Explore. Latest News. Ombudsman investigation highlights housing delays in Birmingham 13 Oct Used to manage the rate at which page view requests are made. Terms and conditions Privacy policy. If you want to make a complaint: Please first read our step by step process for making a complaint.
By complaining online, you help us to keep our telephone helpline for people who need general advice or cannot use the complaint form If you cannot use the complaint form, you can call our helpline on Lines are often quieter in the afternoon so we may be able to help you more quickly if you call then It will take a little longer to reach us, but you can make a new complaint by post If you have an existing complaint: Please contact your named person on their direct contact details If you do not have a named person, we will contact you when we have an update on your case.
Please avoid calling our helpline so we can keep it for people who need general advice or help make a new complaint If you need general advice on the complaints process: You can call our helpline on Lines are often quieter in the afternoon so we may be able to help you more quickly if you call then If you have an urgent or emergency problem: Please contact your local authority or care provider.
We expect them to respond appropriately to any complaints they receive, and we usually expect you to have completed their complaints process before we can consider your complaint Other types of enquiries: Enquire about our training courses Press enquiries — see News Request information freedom of information or subject access request - see Accessing information. Javascript is not enabled! This helps the site to function smoothly during your visit. Stores an object containing user specific settings for the Browsealoud toolbar such as dialog positions and button states.
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Used to distinguish users and sessions. Not used in ga. View status. Edit my journeys. Edit my places. Add favourites for quick access to live status, journeys and places. River Buses. Emirates Air Line. Journeys Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future. Places Choose postcodes, stations and places for quick journey planning.
Close edit Favourites. Favourite lines. Done updating my favourites. London Overground.