Breakfast 8— A. Group Photo — A. Act It Out! The Wrap-Up. The Speakers Will Inspire. Marty Grunder. Vince Torchia. Jim Cali. Jason New.
Chris Psencik. Chris Allen. Phil Allen. Brodie Bruner. Ryan Dudik. Amber Fox. Jennifer Glasser. Claire Goldman. Bob Grover. David Grover. Mary Haynes. Mike Haynes. Liz Helton. Jim Howie. Jackie Ishimaru-Gachina. Scott Jamieson. Ben Johnson. Jeffrey Johns. Misty Johns. Carrie is a custom, boutique newborn and maternity photographer located in Charlotte, North Carolina, Carrie specializes in maternity, newborns, babies, children and family photography.
August 27, August 17, August 13, August 10, August 8, August 7, Please check website on the afternoon of the event to make sure the event has not been canceled. Thursday, October Englewood Beach. Tune in to the healing sounds of the crystal bowls and just allow your spirit to soar! Raising your vibrational frequency to higher states of consciousness. Sunset Yoga with Crystal Bowls. Thursday, November 4.
Relax and unwind with a gentle yoga practice, sound healing crystal bowls. Enjoy a gentle yoga flow while the sun sets and the Full moon rises. Relax, and move your body to release tensions in your body and mind. Bring a sheet or blanket. Click on Pictures to Enlarge the Beautiful Images. Loving Light Yoga pays a monthly fee to Charlotte County, which gives us Vendor status and allows us to teach classes on the beach. Your donations help to offset these costs as well as help to defray costs associated with equipment and insurance.
Donations also allow us to provide yoga classes to families that might not be able to afford the benefits of yoga. This enables us to give the gift of yoga to everyone.
We're also more than 14 years strong in Englewood and look forward to many more blessed years! Community Beach Yoga for Well Being is a beginner-friendly class that is available to all ages and all levels of ability. Enjoy the sounds of the Gulf and the warmth of the sun while practicing yoga. Practicing outdoors connects you to nature — looking into the vastness of the horizon, observing the graceful birds flying in a space of "no walls" and drinking in the blue sky. The open space expands.
Relax and enjoy the ocean waves, fresh air, sea birds and the setting sun while embraced in Sound Healing and Angelic tones and vibrations from the quartz crystal bowls. Relax and replenish your body, mind and soul! All are welcome! Love offerings are accepted and appreciated but not required. Unlimited Access from Your Computer or Smartphone.
Address and Location:. Look for the big Englewood Yoga Center yellow sign. Service beyond belief Innovation that turns heads. Your browser does not support the video tag. Text Message Sign-Up. Meet our team. Loving Locations Local service, national footprint.