He talked to her, and invited her and her friend to the party. But her friend was cold. The party was a nonstarter. Quiroga recalled. They went their separate ways, but a couple weeks later, back in her hometown, Ms. Blouin found him on MySpace, which was the thing at the time. She messaged him. Quiroga said. Quiroga and Ms. Blouin, now a graphic designer and illustrator, became an item.
Another coincidence: Mr. Helens Vietnam Band , did the same kind of in-your-face publicity, first doing fake public-service announcements and then wheatpasting. Seattle, so cool that dancing usually consists of a slight motion of the head and a practiced slouch, frowns on such self-promotion.
Verdoes said. He saw a few Mad Rad shows and asked a mutual friend to introduce him to Mr. Verdoes played guitar on a few Mad Rad songs. Then the two men started playing together as a side project.
Their first time playing together: Christmas Eve , in Mr. Verdoes knew that he and Mr. He thought he and Ms. Verdoes kept playing with Mr. And he sent Ms. Ahmed a message on Facebook. This time, she replied. They met in late January It was, in theory, a Somali lesson on verbs. It ended up being a three-hour conversation so says Mr.
Verdoes or a four-hour one Ms. Not one word of Somali was uttered. Dating commenced, on Feb. About the same time, Mr. Verdoes and Mr. Quiroga started to realize that what they were doing as a side project was more interesting than their own bands.
Verdoes is, of course, talking about Mr. Quiroga, who feels the same. They spend hours together every day. They thought about getting another band member, but no one seemed to fit. They talk about their relationship like it is love. Dash Heavy tuesday returns at twilight tonight! DO IT!! Name is required Valid email required. Notify me of follow up comments. Max chars What say you? Socialize: Facebook Last. PC-PDX has been around for almost 12 years now.
If you're feeling gracious, i'm feeling grateful. If you wish, thank you. Would you like more info on a band? Eazt Syde Punx Country, cowpunk, outlaw country is fuckin lame! Happy searching. Sid Much Rock In town until Saturday. No shows? Ain't ya'll vaxed yet? Conor Hello Alex old friend, you still there? It's Conor from Belfast Ireland remember me from Portland days. Remember the gig in our basement northeast Portland?
Miss you brother hope to see you next time in Portland. Hope all is well and safe.