Memphis new york broadway

She acts with a focused clarity and sings with intensity, although exaggerated melismas are becoming a tiresome bit of vocal gymnastics. Offering solid support are Ms. All the performers do their best to infuse Mr. At various points in the show Mr. Bryan evokes the powerhouse funk of James Brown, the hot guitar riffs of Chuck Berry, the smooth harmonies of the Temptations, the silken, bouncy pop of the great girl groups of the period.

But despite all attempts to light a fire under the songs, at no point are you likely to confuse Mr. Gallo and Shawn Sagady; hair and wig design by Charles G. Bryan; musical director, Kenny J. Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes. This show is closed. Browse Shows. Memphis Lives Forever! View All Videos. Previews Sep 23, Opening Oct 19, Closing Aug 5, Story Memphis is set in the places where rock and roll was born in the s: the seedy nightclubs, radio stations and recording studios of the musically-rich Tennessee city.

To enter the digital costume contest, share a photo on Twitter or Instagram that tags BeetlejuiceBway and uses BeetlejuiceCostumeContest in the caption through October 27, or upload your photo on our contest landing page. One winner will receive an exclusive October merchandise package. The winner will be announced on October Kitchen W. Ocean Prime W. Vida Verde W. The Auction House E. Watch our Trailer. Newsletter Signup.


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