Includes Address 6 Phone 6 Email 2. Resides in Wappingers Falls, NY. Includes Address 5 Phone 4 Email 1. Resides in Arnold, MD. Includes Address 7 Phone 4 Email 1. Resides in California, MD. Includes Address 1 Phone 1. Resides in Austin, TX. Also known as Michael Donnely. Includes Address 7 Phone 7. Resides in Mount Airy, MD. Includes Address 4 Phone 1. Resides in Frederick, MD. Includes Address 1. Resides in Huntingtown, MD. Lived In Dunkirk MD.
Includes Address 2 Phone 2. Michael Patrick Donnelly, Resides in Reisterstown, MD. Also known as Donnelly Michael, M Donnelly. Includes Address 2 Phone 3 Email Resides in Pasadena, MD. Includes Address 4 Phone 3. Includes Address 2 Phone 1 Email Resides in Bethesda, MD. Resides in Hanover, MD. Michael Christopher Donnelly, Resides in Baltimore, MD. Also known as Micheal Donnelly. Includes Address 2 Phone 1.
Resides in Pomfret, MD. Grades assignments and posts to Blackboard soon after turning something in. Aug 19th, Donnelly is amazing! The course was hard, but he gave a lot of extra credit opportunities. He is my favorite biology instructor at CCBC. Plus, he is really funny and bonds well with his students. Aug 1st, Great professor. His teaching methods are clear.
If you put forth the effort to learn the material by studying and being attentive during lectures you will do well. Jul 27th, He is an amazing Professor. Very straight forward. Do your reading before class. Take good notes. Ask questions during class. You don't need the textbook book only the lab book. He only teaches what you need and he explain everything clear and concise. May 11th, Donnelly is very awkward.
The class is hard, so you do have to a lot of the work and reading on your own too before class. He has slides, but read the book before you read the slides because its more explained in the book than the slides. His tests aren't too hard.
Its lecture, so it drags on. May 19th, Attendance: Mandatory.