However, we know that many of you that use our bullets have this information. If you would like to share this information or your expericnces using our bullets, we will be glad to publish it on our website.
Click here to email us your Range Report. HandLoading and Reloading - thehighroad. Original caliber was. On first firing the shoulder of the brass is fire formed forward slightly, so after that I only neck size when reloading.
Your bullet, Starline brass, and 4. Eight out of ten shots will be in that grouping with the other two inside of 4 inches. The two that expand the group are because of me, not your bullets. I am over seventy years old and am shooting iron as issued sights and my eyes get tired by the end of a ten shot string. Great bullets, very accurate, and well priced. Thank you for providing these to the shooting community. Soda cans at 25 yards are no problem. Luther Love the Keith style.
Use them in my Ruger SBH , 6. No signs of wear on the brass or gun. I also use same setup with AA 9, slightly lower load about Kevin Chrono results for 5. I've been using Missouri Bullet's gr. Softball in my. I recently purchased the gr. I was lured by the description "A classic, very accurate".
Wow - these bullets are scary accurate! After experimenting with different loads and overall length, this is what I ended up with: gr. SWC Hi-Tec bullet 5. Hodgdon's HP Cartridge overall length 1. I'm not that good -- these bullets are! Very pleased with the overall performance. Not much barrel metal other than normal shavings hanging around here and there -- pretty low smoke.
Final OAL was 1. SWFL location pretty close to sea level in early summer morning with light wind. With both their listings they are drawing a MAX load line of about 2. I have bought several cast hi tek coated bullets from Missouri bullet company and have been very satisfied so far. The first ones were the.
I've also been loading the buffalo. They are a little more comfortable to shoot at 50gr for target practice. I will be trying some of the gr bullets with the hi tek coating next.
Thanks for making such great bullets! I wanted to share the great performance I got from the. The attached pic is a lb Boar that strolled up near my stand on Saturday evening. Great entry and exit. He dropped right where he stood. Marlin CCI primers were used in Starline brass. The low end was so mild that hardly any felt recoil. The upper end was still easy to manage.
The optimum range seems to be in the range of 7. Click for pictures. Load 2 Starline Brass. I bought of the. At this speed there is minimal leading in the barrel and it's only at the last inch or two. Accuracy is great.
I can hold 1" or smaller at 50 yards when shooting off of my truck's bed. Put a better shooter behind the trigger and I'm sure it would tighten up. Current load is 30gr W in Hornady brass with a Fed M primer. I tested the slug against a jug of water and 10" of wet, compressed paper.
It ripped apart the water jug and penetrated " into the paper. Retained weight was right at Observed size after firing was. This was collected from a downward angle shot. Overall I was amazed at the integrity of these projectiles!
They dump energy like a hollow point but penetrate like a solid. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a kid from South Louisiana! I'll be shooting a lot more of these in the coming months. Tried the gr WFN Pugnose. I tried several different powders and combinations and they only shot so so for me. Boy does it shoot!!! I am an accuracy nut so takes a lot to impress me but the grainers came alive. I shoot Can't beat these bullets with this combination and they are half the price of my favorite jackets bullets.
Love them! Chrono graphed at 10 feet feet per second. My new hunting load. No leading at all. Shot from a Ruger gp 4 inch. Cowboy 20 Rossi M92 20" bbl. Distance verified by laser. Very pleased with your bullet!!
Click for picture. Worked up a couple of. I wasn't sure about pushing it to the velocities I wanted without gas checks, but I had great luck with the 1 Buffalo, which averaged fps in my Marlin 48 grains of Benchmark and grouped at 1. Did I mention no lead left behind? I decided to give it a shot, literally. I tried a couple of powders I had on hand, and finally settled on 8. There is no published data I could easily find for blue dot with this type of bullet, so as always, this load is MY workup, and I found it safe for MY gun, so use this data at your own risk, and remember to start lower and work up.
I have NOT shot this load from any of my handguns as of yet. Velocity stayed right at fps measured at 12 feet from muzzle with chrony f1 with no sign of lead in the barrel and a nice lube ring around the muzzle just like the 1 Buffalo. Group, shot from a rifle rest, was 8 rounds in one large, ragged hole at 50 yards with iron sights. I am super happy with both of the MBC bullets I have tried. They are very reasonably priced, are of good quality, and always seem to be on hand at Graf's, which is driving distance for me.
Just got back from testing my first loads of the Missouri Bullet Co plain-base, coated bullets in my. These were loaded with 9. I got an eight shot group in 0. No vertical velocity stringing at all, so I expect shot to shot variance to be low.
I calculated that this combination would deliver fps out of my rifle, and that seems to fit within the parameters of my ballistic computation. Will post results after chrony.
We both experienced vertical stringing, indicating velocity variations. Looks like their powder described in previous post is position sensitive as well. The consistency I attained confirms me as a believer in dacron filler to keep the powder positioned. I suggest that you try it as well. TrailBoss 5. Notice how 5. The Solo groups started shrinking at 6. Click here for picture. I was quite pleased to see that you carry those bullets, and even more pleased to find that you offer them with the Hitek coating, especially since my indoor range does not allow exposed lead.
Just shot my first batch over the weekend, and am thrilled with your Hitek coating. While loading - Bullets are 'slick' when handling them, and no lead on fingers after loading rounds.
On a progressive press that is seating and has separate crimp die the effort is noticeable reduced for each pull of lever. Lead rounds used to pile up in the exit chute after being kicked out, now they slide down to the bin without jamming. Seating and crimping operations are smoother.
Usually I experience interruptions in loading process when doing a batch of lead bullets. None with the coated bullets. Results of test fire. Slightly more accurate, time will tell as I may have just been having a good day.
I have one that is very picky to seating depths, ran a batch of mixed length loads and they fed flawlessly. I would say this is a big step forward.
Better performance and more pleasurable loading what else could one ask for! Will be ordering more real soon I am really satisfied with these bullets - they produced great results and worked well with my gun. I bought 45 cal rnfp bullets for cowboy action. Went to the range this thursday to see if they would lead the bore of my 73 winchester. Leading was not a problem, very accurate, from a 50yd rest 5 rounds at little over 1in. I plan to use this same bullet in my 45 acp for Idpa. You folks make a good bullet.
By far my most favorite round to shoot. FYI: 4. I just prefer the 4. Note: I was not able to get these loads to go work in my Remington R1 , but it is fairly new and might need more breaking in, but just so you are aware. But just try it out for yourself. These are to be loaded at your own risk. I always go low to middle of the road loads. As always, Enjoy shooting and stay safe.
Firearm: Initially tested 2 rounds of new loads for velocity and pressure signs with Hi Point C9. Listed velocity is the average of 5 shots through the Witness as measured with Shooting Chrony F1 Master. Loads were tested and these were the max OAL that would chamber plus. Parabellum L22 4. L23 4. L13 3. L19 4. L11 3. More accurate than 3. Brass slightly burnt looking. First time user. Ordered 38 sp cowboy gr, dia, 12 Brn.
Everything you said — absolutely true. No fouling, dead on accuracy 15 yds. Shooting Ruger New Vaquero, factory set 15 yds , bench rest with 3. Muzzle velocity app fps. Fired aver rds. Would have to say any bad shots due to shooter not your bullet.
I was previously using gr hard cast 18 brn with poor accuracy and lead fouling. Would take hours to clean, now I am done in 30 min. Thank you again, you have a customer. For mag with gr. I hit a dot about size of a penny river bulk hawk with 4x32 scope.
Spray bullets tanding on a paper towel, so no lube gets on the base. Tested using a 7. No pressure signs, very light recoil. Soft shooting, accurate out of all my pistols. Serious horsepower for a snubbie, data from Alliant. Very accurate, lots of thump. It hurts, bad.
I dont want to shoo more than 6. Nominal bullet diameter is not affected. Many indoor ranges prohibit the use of lead bullets but allow the use of coated bullets due to the fact that no lead is exposed to the environment. Leading of the bore is dramatically reduced, as is lube smoke. Long shooting sessions do not have to be interrupted by bore cleaning.
Higher velocities can be attained with Hi-Tek coated bullets. There are also associated health benefits for the reloader, as there is no touching of bare lead.
Hi-Tek also reduces the force required to seat and crimp because the bullets are slippery. The bullets actually look "wet" and are very slippery. This lubricity reduces friction-related heat as the bullet traverses the bore. In summary, Hi-Tek coated bullets offer the advantages associated with plated bullets without the expense.
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