Neighborhood Corridor Streets are adjacent to single family and low-rise residential land uses and play an essential role in moving people and goods between Urban Villages, Centers, and the regional transportation network.
The bike lane zone is the space provided for the exclusive use of bicyclists, but lacks the physical barriers of a protected bike lane.
Crossing treatments like this island help make intersections safer for pedestrians, motorists, and people on bikes. A swale can be designed for both treatment and conveyance of stormwater flow. This combined use can reduce development costs by eliminating the need for separate conveyance and treatment systems. The three key moves include: 1 a half block closure at 5th and Thomas that would create a public plaza adjacent to the Seattle Center skatepark 2 the creation of a 36 feet wide pedestrian and bicycle promenade on the north curb and 3 a protected intersection at Dexter and Thomas.
Implementation of the new concept will require the utilization of multiple funds sources, such as: LCIP funds, BMP implementation funds, private development partnerships and grant sources. The implementation strategy will yield a phased approach to bicycle facilities, intersection design, signalization, and other improvements along Thomas St, with the draft work plan below.
View the latest draft of the Thomas Street Concept Plan. Talk with neighbors about how we might expand a walking and biking path connecting around the lake, building off the recently completed Green Lake and Wallingford Multimodal Paving Project.
We've heard a lot from the community who are interested in creating a full outer loop for people to walk and bike around the lake, including repurposing the eastern-most lane of Aurora Ave N adjacent to the lake. July : Announced we can re-open the road with 2-way walking and biking path and 2-way vehicle traffic at reduced speeds.
Fall : New walking and biking path and 2-way vehicle traffic; outreach and community engagement. I want to search within the following: Seattle. Use our online map tool to see if your project is within the Shoreline District. Turn on the Shoreline Environments layer under the "Layer List" on the right-hand side of the map. You need to look at the ECA regulations prior to the update.
I want to search within the following: Seattle.