Seattle zoo behind the scenes

But city officials, including several City Council members and Mayor Ed Murray, have been trying to push the zoo and its board to pursue the sanctuary option. It also separately considered filing civil and criminal charges against the zoo in the recent death of its African elephant, Watoto.

The Woodland Park Zoo is located on city land and receives about one-third of its funding from Seattle and King County. But it is managed independently through a year operating agreement with the city. Last year, city officials began exploring whether the city had any legal ability to pressure the zoo over the future of its elephants. Bagshaw asked City Attorney Pete Holmes for a legal opinion.

But, the opinion continued, the city was within its rights to condition any future funds — for example, future levy money or funds from the newly created Metropolitan Parks District — on what happens with the elephants.

We need to talk. Bagshaw acknowledged the zoo has final control over what happens to the elephants. Less than a month after that email, the zoo announced that was closing its elephant exhibit and would begin to search for a new home for Chai and Bamboo. The struggle between the zoo and City Hall centers on whether the elephants should be in a zoo or in a sanctuary. When zoo officials announced they would close the elephant exhibit, they said they wanted to find a new home that would allow the elephants to be a part of a larger social herd.

Placing Chai and Bamboo in another zoo would allow them to continue to spread the message about elephant conservation to zoo visitors. But there are others who believe zoos cannot provide the space that elephants need. Hours are 11 a. Don't come too near quitting time, or your child is likely to be disappointed. And be aware of age, height and weight limitations before you promise your child a ride.

Children must be at least 2 years old, less than 48 inches tall, and less than pounds to ride. Limits on height and weight actually protect the ponies, just as much as the child riders. Stacey carefully coordinates the ponies' schedules to protect them from overuse injuries. You can tell your children that some ponies are as old as 27 years, and may have given thousands of rides already in their lifetime at the zoo.

Quitting time is sacred. Many a tearful child and determined parent have tried to argue with the teen volunteers about quitting time. Teens feel very bad when parents are rude and dismiss the deadlines with comments like: "Well, I guess you can't just bend one little rule. If your older child is interested, the program welcomes teen volunteers between ages Many of the teens currently working at the zoo began their fascination by standing in line and getting pony rides as a toddler.

Sally James is a Seattle freelance writer and the mother of two zoo pony volunteers. Get the best of ParentMap delivered right to your inbox. Sections x. Growing Character: The Power of Kindness.


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