8804 royalwood dr austin tx

Garages 2. Show more Map and Commute Times Expand. Add Places. Street View. Keyboard shortcuts. Terms of Use. Report a map error. Property Details Info Property History. Price Unlock Prices. Sold or Leased. Price Change. Back On Market. New Listing. Property Details. County Travis. City Austin. Zip Code Subdivision Tanglewood Estates. Interior Features. Beds and Baths Bedrooms 4. Main Level Beds 1. Master on Main Yes. Master Description Walk-In Closet s. Guest Accommodations No. Year Built - Resale.

Condition Resale. Building Faces South. Builder Name David Weekley. Construction Masonry. Foundation Slab. Roof Composition. Ownership Fee Simple. Special Conditions No. Documents Available Survey. Property Taxes. Appraisal District Travis. Estimated Taxes Tax ID Tax Rate 2.

Homeowner Association. Has HOA No. Want to buy this home before selling yours? Westwood High School. Am the parent of a junior and a freshman at this school.

Poster who posted on April 30 is perpetrating a harmful myth. Students are excelling not only in academics, but in various extracurricular activities and leadership roles. You can check out the rosters of teams like swim, golf, tennis, debate, orchestra, band, student council and almost any EC. There is a healthy representation of students of all backgrounds and all class ranks. Senior students spend many hours being true leaders while mentoring younger students.

Many students also participate in sports, music and other activities outside of school many don't make the cut for school sports teams as the selection criteria is competitive. Parent Review 3y ago. Canyon Vista Middle School. Band is exceptional. There are some great teachers. Other teachers choose that school so their test scores are high genetics of student population and they don't have to do much. Lazy, and play favorites. Check out schools near Royalwood Dr.

What Locals Say about Austin. Dog Owners. Trulia User. Resident 1y ago. The dog park nearby is also especially friendly. It is very safe and everyone is neighborly and kind. Great place to have dogs as well. Resident 2y ago. We know and are friendly with most of the neighbors. A great safe place to walk at night. Resident 3y ago. People are friendly and it feels pretty safe. Dogs, people, location is great! Never moving! We have a tight feeling of community. Great neighborhood public schools.

Lots of walking and cycling. Close in for convenient commutes. People are very considerate about cleaning up after their dogs. But many don't, and the neighborhood is a mess. Safe neighborhoods. There is a great community support system. And there are good neighborhood parks for kids to play in. Gender Identity.

Sexual Orientation. Protection from being unfairly evicted, denied housing, or refused the ability to rent or buy housing. On February 11, , HUD announced that it interprets the federal Fair Housing Act to prohibit housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

On June 15, , the US Supreme Court ruled that employers subject to Title VII cannot hire, fire, or otherwise discriminate against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Public Accommodations. Protection from being unfairly refused services or entry to or from places accessible to the public retail stores, restaurants, parks, hotels, etc.

Learn More about local legal protections. See All local legal protections. Additional Cost. Homes for Rent Near Royalwood Dr. Dalewood Townhomes, Austin, TX Riata Apartments, Austin, TX


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