They have quite a few options in eye wear and get them ordered and back very quickly. Whether you're 5 or 65, we use the latest technology to be preemptive in our diagnosis to ensure the best outcome We are always receiving new arrivals for both kids and adults, like these from Burberry and many more Whether you want contact lenses or glasses, we make sure that you get both what looks good, but more importantly what works for your personal situation as well.
We at Meridian Vision Center stand behind our products by knowing we offer high quality eyewear manufactured by smaller, independent companies.
Call Us. Open Menu. Close Menu. Schedule An Appointment. Contact Form. Office Policies. Order Contact Lenses Online. Make an Appointment. New Patient.
You'll See We Care! Make Payment. Check out Services. Who we are At Community Eye Care of Indiana, our doctors and staff are excited to be part of a heritage that has been providing excellent health care since Primary Vision Care. Research that changes the future Earn a vision science degree. Prospective students. Optometrist resources. Eye care in Bloomington and Indianapolis When you make an appointment at one of our eye care centers, you can expect more than a routine checkup.
Become a patient. Events and Seminars Oct Oxyopia Vision Science Seminar 12 p.