Drivers coming downtown from I south should take exit A to Forsyth Street. Once attendees arrive early for events at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, they are encouraged to spend their time checking out the Jacksonville Jazz Festival, which is free to attend. Stay tuned to the Jacksonville Jazz Festival social media channels, JacksonvilleJazzFestival on Facebook and jaxjazzfest on Instagram and Twitter, and website jacksonvillejazzfest.
The festival welcomes residents and visitors to enjoy live music performances, food, drinks and activations throughout the weekend in Downtown Jacksonville along the St. Johns River. For updates and information, please visit jacksonvillejazzfest. About the City of Jacksonville Division of Sports and Entertainment: The City of Jacksonville Division of Sports and Entertainment attracts, hosts and creates opportunities that drive economic impact, accelerate the Jacksonville brand and improve the quality of life and cultural engagement for visitors and residents.
Jacksonville hosts hundreds of diverse events each year making Northeast Florida a premier destination with rich tradition and world-class hospitality. For more information, visit events.
Global Navigation City of Jacksonville , Florida. Ordinance Code. Interlocal Agreements with Political Subdivisions. Community Redevelopment Area Boards. Starting a Small Business. Doing Business with the City. Nonprofit Gateway. Experience Jax. Title VI Compliance. Citizens Planning. Our experienced sales staff is eager to provide you with information that will bring the gift of music into your life in a way that you never before thought possible!
Have the desire to make beautiful music, but think you can't play? You will be amazed at the capabilities of modern instruments. Come in and let us show you the latest in home entertainment. Remember, when it is time to be the Posted on July 05, Brought to you by cityvoter. We carry both new and used instruments. Posted on August 25, Brought to you by localcom. Be the first YellowBot user to add photos or videos of Keyboard Connection.
Pretty good selection of pianos and organs. They are a Yamaha and Lowrey dealer so most of their inventory is from those two companies. So this is not the place to go to look for affordable Posted by A J.
Keyboard Connection can be found at San Jose Blvd The following is offered: Musical Instruments. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, and was last updated on Nov 14, Both performance and video data are then sent electronically to the e-Piano Junior Competition for preliminary auditions, where judges are able to evaluate each contestant on a big screen, as their performance is recreated note-for-note on an adjacent Disklavier, as if the contestants were performing "live" for the judges.
On July 8, the field was narrowed down to 12 semifinalists who went on to compete in another round of solo recitals that included required works by Schubert and Variations by either Beethoven or Mendelssohn. On Saturday, July 13, the top five finalists performed with the Minnesota Orchestra from the stage of Orchestra Hall where the winners were later announced.