Nashville traffic citation

If you accumulate 12 points within 12 months, your TN driver's license may be suspended. Don't Risk a Driver's License Suspension! You could be closer than you think to having your TN driver's license suspended.

Order your driving record today to check how many points you currently have. Unless your traffic ticket states that you have a mandatory court appearance, you can pay the ticket fine any time before the due date. Refer to your ticket for specific instructions. Contact the traffic court in the county where you received the ticket for payment instructions. Your eligibility depends on your driving history and whether you've taken traffic school in the past.

Please visit our Defensive Driving in Tennessee page or contact the relevant traffic court for further details. Your traffic ticket should list instructions, or you can contact the appropriate TN traffic court directly. For additional guidance, you may want to seek legal representation from a traffic ticket attorney. Visit our page about Fighting Traffic Tickets to learn more. If you've lost your TN traffic ticket, contact the traffic court in the county where you received the ticket.

You'll need to provide your name and driver's license number. As a commercial driver in Tennessee, in addition to responding to your traffic ticket, you must notify your employer within 30 days of your traffic ticket conviction. This requirement applies even if you weren't driving a commercial vehicle. If you have further questions, visit our Traffic Ticket FAQ page for more information about topics about:. The definitions of each are below. For records prior to , please contact our office directly.

The public information viewed here reflects the actual filed documents or docket entries required to be kept by the Office of the Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk which are considered to be public record and contained in the official case files. The data entry can generally be deemed reliable. However, the information is subject to change at any time.

It is important to note the Tennessee General Assembly has made it a criminal offense for information to be made public once it has been expunged pursuant to T. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that you update any search before using the information for official purposes. In no event shall the Criminal Court Clerk of Davidson County, Tennessee, be held liable for damage of any nature, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this internet service or product.


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